Digital Marketing In AG: What You Need To Know

As technology in agribusiness evolves rapidly, so do customers’ expectations on how a company markets their product to them. It is important to stay current and adapt to industry trends now, or be left in the dust.

Don’t have a digital marketing plan for your business or think yours could be better? Don’t sweat it – our Digital Marketing Team is here to walk you through everything you need to know.

Considering the Customer Journey:

Did you know that a study in 2020 showed that 67% of all farmers prefer to have digital interactions with companies when doing their product research and planning? From this, we learned that farmers are increasingly interacting and buying online, but they’ll need higher-quality and more personalized interactions to keep doing so. Successful agriculture companies engage online early and sustain engagement across the buying journey through digital channels.

A Low Cost Way to Reach Your Audience:

Are you tired of spending thousands of dollars on expensive radio and print ads that you can’t even track? Those channels may seem to be successful some of the time, but tried and true methods aren’t helping you reach your full marketing potential. Digital advertising has several advantages over traditional tactics. You can get better results with a smaller investment, not to mention you can modify any campaign at any given time, and customize the message for your ideal audience. It can be more economical, profitable, and measurable than other marketing avenues.

Getting In Front Of Your Customers:

Digital marketing is the key to increasing lead generation. Maximum Exposure + A Custom Audience = Lead Generation. By combining accurate, up-to-date ag customer data with digital advertising, we are able to customize your marketing efforts for your audience. At AGvisorPRO we have cracked the code to optimizing digital marketing for businesses in the agriculture sector.

We Can Help Get Your Marketing Engine Running:

In addition to connecting you to an agriculture ecosystem on our platform, what if I told you we can improve your digital marketing plan or create one for your company? Want to learn more? Join us on August 12th at 10:30am MDT as my team gets you up to speed on digital marketing trends in Ag.

In this session, look forward to getting the inside scoop on the best-of-the-best digital marketing tactics specialized for Ag including:

  • Lead gen advertising
  • Increasing conversions
  • Tracking website analytics
  • Digital and email retargeting tactics

Our team will be sharing tips for success in generating quality leads by using the most effective, cost-efficient and measurable marketing tactics available.